Annie Armen Presents
Featuring Trusted Guest Business PRO, Client, My Buddy: Don Farrell

Direct Link to Audio Archive: Annie Armen Interviews Don Farrell
What is it about "Revenues" that makes it both FRESH and Sexy?
There is only one person I know of who can genuinely answer this question like no other, yet in a practical and tactical way -- Don Farrell, Chief Cultivating Officer at Fresh Revenues
Folks imagine that... Finally, no theories, no philosophies, no fancy talk, but the real deal! As Don says -- you're gonna get more STUFF than fluff! That's what I'm talkin' about!
What is Don Farrell's Company, Fresh Revenues About?
In short, taken verbatim from Don's website: "Fresh Revenues is all about a single purpose... driving maximum revenues for our clients. No operational duties, no hidden agendas, and nothing to get in the way of the mission. Period! Everything is GUARANTEED or client does not pay. We are that simple and that sure!"
Within the first week of our connection, I immediately asked Don this question: "Do you know what is the ONE word that sets you apart from the rest?" Stay tuned as you will have this answer during the show.
Now... A Little About My Buddy...
Don Farrell started his hospitality career as a pot scrubber and worked through 30 different jobs on his way up to becoming the Founder and Chairman of the best and largest sales and service training company in the world -- Signature, Inc. Don now writes, speaks, conducts workshops and consults with very "select" clients showing them how to produce FRESH revenues when others can't.
Quotes by Don Farrell
1. "A perfect partnership has no hidden agendas, a single purpose and an insatiable commitment to delivering incremental revenues resulting in a mutual beneficial relationship."
2. "We're not for everybody, only those clients who share our passion for increasing revenues!"
3. "Your company destiny is determined by choice, not chance!"
Question for Why Annie Armen Readers...
Have you ever tried selling something to a prospect, by telling him or her:
"Come See Us at our Worst"?
"Come See Us at our Worst"?
Buckle up for one rockin' Hurricane interview you don't want to miss!
P.S. Be sure to post your questions and comments below, during and after show. We want to hear from you.
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